Please ensure your child is supervised when using 'Youtube'. It is recommended that you skim through the suggested clips to find appropriate clips for your child before sharing with your child.
Watch clips from 'Our Planet - Coastal seas'
I recommend watching the opening sequence - looking towards earth from the moon. Talk to your child about what they are looking at and draw attention to the colours of the earth and features they can see - land, sea, clouds.
Talk to the children about what they can see under the sea.
What colour fish can they see? Are there any creatures that they don't recognise?
Talk about your child's experiences of the sea.
Have fun singing and dancing along to the song. See what sea creatures can you see?
Get a bowl (or bath) of water and gather different items from around the house or garden.
Experiment with which ones float or sink in the water.
Use the float & sink worksheet below to sort your objects (or you could draw or write them down).
Your child may be able to predict which objects will float and sink before they do the experiment in the water.