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Snow and Ice



Bright Sparks - x (phase 3) 


Monday – Can you use playdough to make the sound? Or can you create sound buttons and press the playdough each time you say the sound. 


Tuesday – Snow themed messy bag! Can you put white paint or sugar in a freezer bag, close the bag and then use your finger to create the letter by making marks? 


Wednesday – Can you put some rice/flour/sugar in a tray, and use your finger to write the sound, or words that include the sound! Use your phonics to help you spell the words.


Thursday – Can you practise your sight words? Have a go at reading them aloud with an adult. 


Friday – Lets practise our handwriting! Can you write the sound on lined paper? Do not forget that your letters sit on the line. 




Monday – Take a look at the story of ‘Paddington First Snow’ – A story link can be found on the Hawks class page which will take you to YouTube. 

Discuss the story – What do you think the story might be about? What do you think will happen next? Can you summarise the story?


Tuesday – Use colourful semantics to help write a sentence about a picture from the book. 

What is Paddington writing? 

Can you write the sentence or a few key words?


Wednesday – Use colourful semantics to help write a sentence about the second picture from the book. 

What is the boy doing? What is he throwing? 

Can you write the sentence or a few key words?


Thursday – Can you describe the snow? Take a look at a few videos on YouTube of snow - Can you have a go at writing an acrostic poem? Can you write a short sentence for each line?

S (snow) (snowball) (snowflake)

N (nose is cold) 

O (outside)

W (winter) (weather) (wet) 


Friday – News article – Lets discuss the news article about the President of the US. 




Subtraction (Using the tens frame)



Bright Sparks - Subtraction up to 15



Eg. 8-4 – Place 8 counters on the tens frame, and them take away 4 counters. How many do you have left over?



Monday – Can you use the tens frame (with playdough balls, counters, lego etc) to subtract.


Tuesday – Can you use the tens frame subtraction cards to practise subtraction. You can use counters, playdough balls, lego. 


Wednesday – Can you use the tens frame subtraction cards to practise subtraction. You can use counters, playdough balls, lego.


Thursday – Purple mash (online) – I have sent you a ‘to do’ on purple mash, which involves subtraction.

Use your tens frame to help you. 


Friday – Can you practise your number writing skills?

Use the template provided to write your numbers. 

Can you have a go at writing numbers without the template.




Weekly focus – sight words!


Can you have a go at practising and reading ‘sight words’. Try sounding the letters out. 



Can you also join in with the story of Paddington First Snow? What words do you know?


What stories can you and an adult read at home? Can you read some of the words?





Monday – Can you use paint to create a snowy tree? (please see tree in pack) Maybe you could add glitter to your paint. 


Tuesday – Can you create ice? Put some water in some ice cube trays/jars/cups – add some food colouring or paint and put in the freezer.

What do you think will happen?


Wednesday – Can you use the ice to paint a picture! How does the ice feel? What is happening to the ice when it is out of the freezer?


Thursday – Can you create a snow sensory bottle? Add some baby oil and water to an empty bottle. What could you add to make it look like snow/winter? Maybe some glitter, cotton wool?



Friday – Lets relax! Join the Hawks class by having an afternoon of relaxing and meditating. 

Can you dip your feet in some warm water? What does it feel like? Is this relaxing?
