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School Council

A new School Council is elected each year and is ran with  or 2 representatives from the following classes: Woodpeckers, Hummingbirds, Redwings, Kingfishers and Penguins. The School Council aims to meet multiple times a term with the Deputy Headteacher.

At Rocklands, we are really proud to introduce you to our new School Council where “We turn ideas into a reality.” 


Everyone at Rocklands matters, and the School Council meet to share their opinions and the ideas of others giving our children a voice. We nominate other pupils from school to be part of the ‘Kind Squad’ ensuring everyone on the playground are happy, safe and have someone to play with. We enjoy sharing our ideas and meeting new friends from other schools through The Voice Project where we have an input on new initiatives for schools in Staffordshire.


The School Council feedback to Senior Leaders and the Headteacher to keep them informed of their plans and they also run a Tuck Shop each week where they learn about selling, stocking, budgeting, money handling.   


Keep your eye on this page for further updates throughout the year!

School Council
