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Belong, Believe, Become


*Top tip*


Songs on Youtube videos are often quite fast. Use the settings to slow the songs down. We run our songs at 0.75 of the normal speed. It helps the children have time to process what we are asking them to do and to make sense of the songs. 

12-10-20 Five little monkeys teasing Mr Crocodile

A chance to talk about being kind in our maths song.

12-10-20 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Use your fingers to count how many children are left on the bed. How many have fallen off? How many altogether?

Ten Little Fingers | Finger Family Songs

05-10-20 Use your fingers to count along with the song!

Five Little Speckled Frogs

28-09-20 Use your fingers to count how many frogs are left. How many frogs are in the pond?

Five Currant Buns In A Baker's Shop | 5 | NURSERY RHYME | RainbowRabbit | Counting Song |

Practise exchanging an object for a penny. How many pennies have you got now/left? Notice that we have the same number of pennies as we have buns.
