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Wizz Kids – ay (phase 5)


Monday – Can you use playdough to make the sound? Or can you create sound buttons and press the playdough each time you say the sound.


Tuesday – Messy bag! Can you put white paint or sugar in a freezer bag, close the bag and then use your finger to create the letter by making marks?


Wednesday – Can you put some rice/flour/sugar in a tray, and use your finger to write the sound, or words that include the sound! Use your phonics to help you spell the words.


Thursday – Can you practise your sight words? Have a go at reading them aloud with an adult.


Friday – Lets practise our handwriting! Can you write the sound on lined paper? Do not forget that your letters sit on the line.





This week, Hawks will be focussing on seasons. Hawks will look at a different season each day – using the story ‘Seren’s Seasons’. A copy of this can be found in your pack.


Wizz Kids – Can you write a full sentence?


Monday – Spring – Read the story of Seren’s Seasons. Can you use the colourful semantics to write a sentence about what you can see in Spring, choose the correct words and pictures!



Tuesday – Summer - Read the story of Seren’s Seasons. Can you use the colourful semantics to write a sentence about what you can see in Summer, choose the correct words and pictures!


Wednesday – Autumn - Read the story of Seren’s Seasons. Can you use the colourful semantics to write a sentence about what you can see in Autumn, choose the correct words and pictures!


Thursday – Winter - Read the story of Seren’s Seasons. Can you use the colourful semantics to write a sentence about what you can see in Winter, choose the correct words and pictures!


Friday – News article – Lets discuss the news article about climbing!! Complete an activity from the activity sheet.




Addition and Subtraction recap


Wizz kids – addition and subtraction up to 30


Addition using tens frame: 6+3 – Place 6 red counters on the tens frame, then place 3 blue counters on the tens frame. How many are all together?


Subtraction using tens frame: 8-4 – Place 8 counters on the tens frame, and them take away 4 counters. How many do you have left over? 


Monday – Use playdough on the tens frames to add 2 numbers together!


Tuesday – Have a go at subtracting to 20 on Purple Mash – I have set this as a ‘to do’. Use your tens frame (with counters or lego etc) to help you.


Wednesday – Use playdough on the tens frame to subtract 2 numbers!


Thursday – Solve the addition and subtraction on Purple Mash – I have set these as a ‘to do’.

Use your tens frame to help you.

Be careful to spot the – (takeaway) or + (add) symbol!


Friday – Complete the ‘missing numbers’ raindrop sheet!




Weekly focus – sight words!


Can you have a go at practising and reading ‘sight words’. Try sounding the letters out.



Can you also join in with the story of Seren’s Seasons. What words do you know? Can you find any sight words in the story?


What stories can you and an adult read at home? Can you read some of the words?




Monday – Spring -  Can you use paint to create a beautiful picture of a tree in spring? What colours will you use?

Paint your hand shape, and then use your fingers to finger paint the leaves that are beginning to grow.



Tuesday – Summer – Can you use a toilet roll and paper to create a tree in the summers – This is where the beautiful flowers have grown. What colours will you use?



Wednesday – Autumn –

Can you use a toilet roll (or paper), cotton wool and paint to create an amazing picture of a tree in Autumn? What colours will you use?



Thursday – Winter – Can you create a beautiful snowy scene, with a mountain (or trees) – you could use cotton wool, paint or crayons! Have a go at cutting the shapes out yourself! What shape can you see here?



Friday – Can you complete the seasons matching game? Match each picture up with the correct season.

