Wizz Kids – aw (phase 5)
Monday – Can you use playdough to make the sound? Or can you create sound buttons and press the playdough each time you say the sound.
Tuesday – Messy bag! Can you put yellow or black paint or sugar in a freezer bag, close the bag and then use your finger to create the letter by making marks?
Wednesday – Can you put some rice/flour/sugar in a tray, and use your finger to write the sound, or words that include the sound! Use your phonics to help you spell the words.
Thursday – Can you write your sound in the star? Fill the star up with the sound.
Friday – Lets practise our handwriting! Can you write the sound on lined paper? Do not forget that your letters sit on the line.
This week, Hawks will be focussing on the story of ‘How to catch a star’
Please listen to the story here:
Wizz Kids – Can you write a full sentence?
Monday – Can you listen to the story of the How to Catch a Star
What do you think the story will be about?
What do you think will happen next?
What would you use to catch the star?
Tuesday – Can you write a character profile for the boy?
Please see the resource in your home learning pack to support this activity.
What does he look like?
Wednesday – It’s very important to keep yourself well fed when you go off on an adventure – can you remember what food the boy packed in his lunchbox for his journey?
‘My fishy, cheesy, bacony, chocolatey sandwich was yum-tastic!’
In the lunchbox, draw and label the foods that you would take with you. Remember to make healthy choices, but don’t forget to pack a couple of treats
Thursday – Lets write a STAR acrostic poem, how would you describe stars and space?
S shiny
T tall
A amazing
R rockets
Friday – Can you have a discussion about the weekly news topic.
This week, Hawks will be measuring height and length using a cm ruler.
Wizz kids – Length in cm up to 30cm.
Monday – Lets measure the space pictures using your cm ruler!
Tuesday – Lets measure the ladders using your cm ruler!
Wednesday – Can you go around your home, and measure the height of items using a ruler?
You could measure a salt pot, bags of sugar, jugs etc.
Thursday –
Let’s compare sizes, can you put the rockets in size order?
Friday –
Let’s compare sizes, can you put the stars in size order?
Take a look at the reading book on the website – can you have a go at reading this?
Can you also join in with the story of How to Catch a Star? What words do you know? Can you find any sight words in the story?
What stories can you and an adult read at home? Can you read some of the words?
This week, we will be learning about stars.
Monday –
Can you cut out a star shape, and use pastels (or colouring pencils or paint) to create a picture of stars in the sky?
Tuesday – Can you use a cotton bud (or your finger) to create a star shape?
Fill in the shape with more dots – what colours will you use?
Wednesday – Can you create a star constellation. Cut out small stars, and match the lines together. What shapes have you made?
Thursday – Can you make star biscuits?
Please see recipe in pack.
Friday – Can you join Hawks in guided meditating with Cosmic Yoga?
How do you feel?