Rocklands School is a supportive community where parents and carers, school staff, governors and wider professionals all work together in the best interests of your children. I know we all share together the wish that all of us remain safe though out this difficult period of time.
If you have any safeguarding concerns for your child or for any other pupil from the school, please contact Nikki Grigorjevs, Deputy designated Safeguarding Lead
If you need to contact the school nurse, please email
This inbox will be monitored each day and emails forwarded to the appropriate person.
School Uniform
Rocklands School uniform is available to purchase from the following:
Blueprint Designs (01889 800644) - uniforms can be ordered in store or from their website.
Emergency School Closures:
In the event of the school having to close, we will inform parents/carers in the following ways:
Following our involvement in and support of the inaugural Stephen Lawrence Day 2019, we are delighted to have been included as a Case Study on the Stephen Lawrence Day website.
We hope that our pupils enjoy seeing their inspirational work displayed.
Thank you once again for all your support and for the amazing contribution of our children and community to the inaugural year of Stephen Lawrence Day