We hope you find this site informative. It is always good to receive feedback on how we can improve our provision. Please take a few minutes to click here and give us your feedback.
SEND Online Resources for parents, please take a look as there are many videos and tips here.
At Rocklands School we subscribe to The National Online Safety Site.
They are a Multi-Award-Winning Online Safety Site and provide information, guidance and training for the whole school community.
Their information is current, relevant, easy to access and all in one place.
We strongly suggest you access their weekly guides.
as well as take part in their (highly recommended) courses
Please Note Thomas the Tank Shed 17 on YouTube has items that some children may find upsetting.
Unfortunately many children cartoons can be edited, potentially subjecting children to inappropriate themes these include Fire Man Sam, Pepper Pig etc. Please be aware!
Concerned when Online - Where to get help?
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ |
Helping everyone to report harmful content. If you report something directly to a social media platform i.e. facebook and they haven't took it down. After 48 hours you can report it. https://reportharmfulcontent.com/ |
Help and guidance for professionals - when content is published which questions your professionalism or the organisation you work for. https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/our-helplines |
You can confidently and anonymously report child sexual abuse images or non-photographic child sexual abuse images. https://report.iwf.org.uk/en |
NSPCC - Reporting, help and guidance. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/reporting-abuse/ |