Phonics phase 5 sounds:
ay ou ie ea oy ir ue aw wh ph ew oe au ey a-e (snake) e-e (even) i-e (slide) u-e (cube) o-e (bone)
This week, the focus sound is 'ou' (pronounced oo)
Please see videos below for additional phonics activities.
Monday- Phonics archeologists - Can you find the Phase 5 sounds in the tray, and cross them out after
Tuesday- Can you write 'ou' or words that include 'ou' - You can use rice, flour, beads, slime etc.
Wednesday - Can you put some paint in a freezer bag to create a sensory bag. Can you use your finger to mark the sound 'ou'?
Friday - Lets practise our handwriting! Can you practise writing the sound 'ou'? Dont forget that your letters sit on the line! Can you think and write any words with the sound ou?