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Belong, Believe, Become


Red Group Focus - a

Yellow Group Focus -  d

Orange Group Focus - e

Green Group Focus - f & l


Red Group 

Monday - practise the a sound - cued articulation 

Can you copy me say the the a objects


Tuesday - Find a objects around the house.

apple, ant, 


Wednesday - practise formating a (practical ideas to follow) 


Thursday - circle the a objects on the worksheet (see below) 


Friday - stick the CVC a jigsaw together (see below)



Yellow Group

Monday - practise the d sound - cued articulation 

Can you copy me say the the d objects


Tuesday - Find d objects around the house.

dog, duck, dolly, 


Wednesday - practise formating d (practical ideas to follow) 


Thursday - circle the d objects on the worksheet (see below) 


Friday - put the letters of the alphabet arc 

can you make these words dog, dot, dip, din, 



Orange group 

Monday - practise the e sound - cued articulation 

Can you copy me say the the e objects


Tuesday - Find e objects around the house.

egg, elephant, 


Wednesday - practise formating e (practical ideas to follow) 


Thursday - circle the e objects on the worksheet (see below) 


Friday - put the letters of the alphabet arc 

can you make these words with the e medial phoneme / sound

peg, red, hen, pet, web, bed



Green group 

Monday - practise the f & l sound - cued articulation 

Can you copy me say the the f and l objects


Tuesday - Find f and l objects around the house. Sort the objects into two piles

frog, fish, folder        lolly, lipstick, 


Wednesday - practise formating f and l (practical ideas to follow) 


Thursday - circle the f and l objects on the worksheet (see below) 


Friday - put the letters of the alphabet arc 

can you make these words 

lip, log, lid, lap, fig, fog, fan, fat

Yellow d Resources
