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Belong, Believe, Become

School Improvement



This plan has been drawn up by staff and Governors to help achieve the aims of the school. The underlying rationale is that all aspects of the plan are designed to raise levels of achievement.


The plan is developed by, shared with and monitored by our whole school staff team. This is through consultation and participation events held during the school year.


Responsibility for monitoring the plan rests with the Senior Leadership Team. Members of the team are responsible for overseeing the development of each section of the plan as well as constructing the working document into this form.


As part of realising our vision for Rocklands it is essential that we recognise the need to continue to build on good practice and strive to give every child the very best education possible. The school improvement cycle is central to how well the school is able to bring about the improvements needed to raise standards and this forms the basis for the work conducted in school.


     The Governors are responsible for:

  • Helping to shape the strategic direction of the school

  • Acting as critical friend in supporting and driving school improvement

  • Agreeing priorities in the SIP and monitoring the impact of this


    The Headteacher is responsible for:

  • Bringing about school improvement and raising standards

  • Ensuring staff understand and share the school vision ensuring that everyone recognises the contribution and impact they make towards this

  • Ensuring the school has a clear and accurate perception of its strengths and weaknesses and what will be done to improve

  • Ensuring the cycle of school improvement supports staff in bringing about improvement

  • Ensuring all members of the school community are consulted with and informed of school priorities, procedures and expectations


    The Senior Leadership Team are responsible for:

  • Working effectively as a team to bring about improvement and consistently raise standards

  • Ensuring members of their team understand their responsibilities and accountability in ensuring all children have the best education possible

  • Supporting, challenging and developing staff to bring out the best in the team and ensure everyone contributes fully to the school improvement agenda

  • Tracking and monitoring pupil performance and using this to target appropriate intervention and support for underachieving children in order to bring about rapid improvement

  • Working with the wider school community and especially parents as partners in the learning process


    All Staff are responsible for:

  • Ensuring they are familiar with the school improvement cycle, understand the school vision and supporting wholeheartedly the school aims and ethos

  • Ensuring they are familiar with the school priorities and SIP, understanding their own responsibility and involvement, in bringing about improvement

  • Making sure that every child receives high quality guidance and support enabling them to achieve the very best they can in all aspects of school life and beyond

  • Evaluating the impact of their work on standards and improving this promptly to ensure that children always have access to high quality teaching and learning which is no less than good and frequently outstanding


    Learning walks are conducted by SLT and/or external advisors. The learning walk involves dropping into classes and finding out the impact of teaching and learning on outcomes.


    Pupil Progress meetings take place each term. The SLT meet with teachers to discuss the progress and attainment of children in their class. Conversations target pockets of underachievement and action to improve this is identified.


    Formal observations take place each term and are a minimum of 3 times a year depending on staff performance and need. The Headteacher/SLT see all staff teach each term. The observation form is designed around the Ofsted schedule targeting good teaching and steps both to and beyond this.


    Reporting on Standards and driving improvement


    The Headteachers' report to governors each term identifies overall school performance from monitoring and the SIP.


    The SEF is updated annually and is shared with leadership team, governors and staff.


    The SIP is updated each year and takes core strands for improvement linked to the SEF and school aims and vision. This is reviewed each term with staff and governors.



Accountability for all actions in the plan ultimately rests with the Headteacher and Governors.
