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This week, Hawks are focussing on the element of the earth - water. We will be looking at rain and rain storms. 


Hawks will be reading the book 'The Rainy Day'. The link below is a reading of the story. 



Wizz Kids – ie (phase 5)

Bright Sparks – w (phase 3)

Smarty pants – t (phase 2)


Monday – Rain themed messy bag! Can you put blue/white paint in a freezer bag, close the bag and then use your finger to create the letter by making marks? (Please see Twitter for pictures of this) 


Tuesday – Can you use playdough to make the sound? Or can you create sound buttons and press the playdough each time you say the sound. 


Wednesday – Go on a hunt! Can you look around your home and find something that includes the focussed sound? (eg w – water)


Thursday – Can you put some rice/flour/sugar in a tray, and use your finger to write the sound, or words that include the sound! Use your phonics to help you spell the words. 


Friday – Lets practise our handwriting! Can you write the sound on lined paper? Do not forget that your letters sit on the line. 



Monday – Take a look at the story of ‘The Rainy Day’ – A story link can be found on the Hawks class page which will take you to YouTube. 

Discuss the story – What do you think the story might be about? What do you think will happen next? Can you summarise the story?


Tuesday – Use colourful semantics to help write a sentence about a picture from the book. Can you write the sentence or a few key words?


Wednesday – Use colourful semantics to help write a sentence about the second picture from the book. Can you write the sentence or a few key words?


Thursday – Can you describe the rain? Take a look at a few videos on YouTube of rainfall – is it raining outside? Can you have a go at writing an acrostic poem? (see RAIN poem template)


Friday – News article – Lets discuss the news article about ‘clap for Heroes’.







Addition (focussing on part part whole models) – Can you use both tens frames and part part whole models? (2 parts make one whole)


Wizz kids – addition up to 30

Bright Sparks – Addition up to 20

Smarty pants – addition up to 10



Monday – Can you put 2 hoops/circles on the floor, and throw items (bean bags etc) into the hoops to practise part part whole models. An adult can throw items into the parts, can you make the whole? (eg. 2 + 5 = )



Tuesday – Can you practise part part whole models with counters? Use your part part whole sheets. Try writing the number also. 



Maths continued




Wednesday – Can you use paint and cotton buds to create your part part whole models? (Dip the cotton bud or your finger in paint, and use this to create the amount) 


Thursday - Can you use crayons to create your part part whole models? (Dip the cotton bud or your finger in paint, and use this to create the amount)


Friday – Can you practise your counting skills - How far can you count?

Can you practise your two times tables?





Weekly focus – sight words!


Can you have a go at practising and reading these ‘sight words’ (words that are common in stories).  There is a list of sight words in the pack.

Try sounding the letters out. 


Can you also join in with the story of The Rainy Day? What words do you know?


What stories can you and an adult read at home? Can you read some of the words?
