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Rain Poems

This week we are taking our inspiration from the weather. It looks like we might be in for a lot of rain over the next 10 days. Not everyone likes the rain but hopefully after this topic we will all be inspired to enjoy the rain. 


Monday - Put on your wet suit or messy clothes, grab your wellies and make your way outside. 

Enjoy a walk in the rain and splash in the puddles. While you do think about how it make you feel inside? What can you feel with your hands /feet? What can you smell? What can you see? What can you hear? 

Take some photos if you can. We will and we will put them on Twitter so you can all see. 

Encourage lots of describing words - as adults you may need to model good vocabulary. 

Cant go outside? Don't worry you could have a splash in the bath or the shower.


Tuesday - Remind yourselves of your walk in the rain. On a piece of paper can you write down all the words that you thought of when describing the rain. 

Maybe you could have a go at writing some words on a piece of paper. You could even cut your piece of paper into a rain drop shape. 


Wednesday - Claire will upload some symbol words for you to make some simple colourful semantics sentences. e.g. I feel soggy socks in my boots. I hear a splash as I jump into the puddle.


Red group you can use 1 or 2 words such as puddle splash 

Yellow group - I feel soggy socks 

Orange and Yellow group - can you add your sight words I feel soggy socks in my boots 


Thursday - Put your sentences (from Wednesday) into a poem. If you only managed one sentence yesterday write another one today.

You could even attempt an acrostic poem. (file below)






Friday - Can you perform your sentences out loud. Think about how you read / perform your poem. You could use your voice differently, move your body, dance, sing it etc. 

Claire and some of the children in school will give you ideas. 


If you would like an extra challenge you can design and decorate your own wellington boots. Use your big voice to describe your boots to an adult. If you want to share a photo of your boots  you can send them to me via twitter. 


Good Luck Flamingo children / parents & carers. 

Symbol support
