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Welcome back Penguins Summer 2021

Penguin Summer Newsletter 2021

Welcome back Penguins Spring 2021
Week 1.03.2021 Well done all Penguins, the last week of remote learning. We can't wait to have you back in school. 
Week 22.02.2021
Week 8.02.2021
Week 1.02.2021
Well Being
Topic 1.02.2021
Week 25.01.2021
Week 18.01.2021

Awe and Wonder

This term we are going to be doing Awe and Wonder activties for our topic.

I will add activities here and on Twitter, please let me know if you need support accessing anything and we will do all we can to ensure that the children continue to make the progress they made during the Autumn term. 


I will direct you individually on which activities are suited for your child and look forward to seeing their work on our class Twitter page. 



Guidance on how to use ten frames and some photos with examples, great for practical activites that can be completed without needing a printer. 

Welcome back to the Autumn Term 2020.


We are very much looking forward to seeing you all back in school.


We are 'Following the Rainbow' for this terms topic, lots of work on getting back into school, reflection and moving forward with our new norm.


Monday - Suzanne, Ellie, Tracey

Tuesday - Lin, Ellie, Tracey

Wednesday - Suzanne, Lisa, Tracey

Thursday - Suzanne, Ellie, Tracey

Friday  - Suzanne, Ellie, Tracey

Pengiun Staff

Penguin Autumn Timetable

Over the Rainbow

Road Trip

This term we are going on a road trip following the story of Around the World in 80 days. We will visit mountains, cities, jungles. We are going to learn about each place we visit. 


Summer Week 7


This is our last week together as Penguins. I am very pleased to have had the pleasure to teach you all and watch you grow. 

We are visiting New York for our final road trip before heading home for the Summer holidays! Have a great week and I'll talk to you all on Thursday. smiley

Summer week 6

We are travelling to Japan! We will be making some petals and learning 1-10 in Japanese! Plus learning about some history and geography. 

Summer week 5

We are leaving India and travelling to Hong Kong, watch Willy Fog episodes 9 and 10.

Summer Week 4 We are staying in India and learning about some key figures in Indian history.

Maths 22.06.2020

Summer Week 3


We are staying in India this week and looking at some Hindu celebrations and gods. 

Summer Week 2

This week we are travelling to Bombay, India. 

Week 1 Summer 2

Welcome back! This week we are staying in Egypt and learning about the famous Tutankhamun and Howard Carter, we are going to write a diary entry and some painting of the  death mask and a virtual tour of the museum. 

Week 5


We are off to Egypt this week! Get your toilet paper and lego ready to make things, follow last weeks maths as it didn't come until Thursday! It's going to be a warm week so we are going to be making steam boats and dressing like an Egyptian! 

Week 3 VE Day 8th May 2020


There are some wonderful resources for VE crafts and bunting to decorate your house.
