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Welcome to the Hummingbird Class Page


 The Hive is ready and will be home to the Hummingbird class.

Take a sneak peek at the new classroom.

The Hummingbird Classroom

Hummingbird Class Rationale

Hummingbirds Transition 23/24

Meet the Staff in Class

 Autumn Term 2024/25

Welcome to a brand new year in the Hummingbird Class! We are looking forward to getting to know each other better and starting a fabulous year of learning and fun. 

      Reading at Home    

 Pick any books to share with your child, take it in turns to read a sentence each. Read together where your child reads the words they know and you fill in the hard words. Make sure you discuss what is happening, what do they think might happen next?, what if this was you, how would you feel?, can you remember when we did...?


Here are some websites to help with different things to read, listen to or play. 

Useful Resources

In class we use all aboard phonics as our scheme. You can use their online videos/advice and download the app to help children continue their learning at home.


 Phonics play have free trials that you can sign up for to play games that will help with phonics learning.


We will also working on sight words. These are words we are practicing reading straight away and not sounding them out. Below are flash cards of sight words to practice quick reading. You may need to print two copies to play snap, or memory.

Sight Word flash cards

Maths is all around us in everyday life and so there are lots of things you can do everyday to help your child secure their learning around maths and number.

  • Count objects - you can count anything, count out cutlery while laying the table, red cars passing on a long drive, toys as you pack them away.
  • Adding up the cost of small items when shopping - allow a small amount of money as a treat, how many sweets can they buy with it.
  • Matching items.
  • Grouping items.
  • Weighing out ingredients when cooking.
  • Reading timetables, telling the time for significant times of the day. How long is it until the bus should be here?
  • Playing board games - what number do I need to roll, how many spaces do I need to move? Who is winning, adding up scores.

Go outside or sit in a window. What can you see? Try to draw a landscape picture of what you can see. Think about what is in the background and what is in front. Try to make it look realistic. If you want to use colour, try to use true colours that you can see.

We will be looking at rhythms and some simple notation in music. Ask your child to teach you what the notations are. Ask them to write a simple rhythm for you using the notation and see if you can clap it back to them. Swap and get them to clap your rhythm. 

Why not use our outdoor spaces. Spending just 20mins outdoors has been linked to many benefits.

  • Reducing stress.
  • Improving health.
  • Improving your mood and self-esteem.



Physical activity is important for both our physical and mental health. We should be aiming for 30mins a day, but every little helps. Find something you enjoy and get active.
