The curriculum at Rocklands School is designed to meet the individual needs of all our pupils. It aims to provide motivating and relevant learning to maximise their engagement and support progress. We strive to deliver broad and varied learning experiences that support the development of functional skills, independence and personal development. We recognise pupils' Education, Health and Care Plans, prior learning, provide practical/multi-sensory experiences, build resilience, and develop communication to help every child to achieve their potential.
The curriculum has been planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills can be built on what has been taught before and on each child's assessed abilities. Each subject has a subject coordinator.
Each curriculum group (pre formal, semi-formal and formal) has a curriculum overview that outlines the units of work to be delivered. Pupils are grouped in classes based on a range of factors e.g. pupil special educational needs, abilities and friendships. Parents/carers are informed about the curriculum being covered within the class in termly Newsletters.
For all pupils, the intent is to provide a motivating and engaging context in which they can achieve and make progress based on their individual starting points, assessed levels and next steps, in a personalised way.
Teachers carefully assess each pupil’s abilities and work with parents/carers and any linked professionals to target the next key steps in priority areas that include communication, understanding, personal and social development and key skills. These are agreed through 12 month outcomes set as part of the EHCP process. Teachers also plan the next steps for individual pupils in all curriculum areas. Teaching is informed by the planned and sequenced knowledge and skills in all areas.
Alongside this, teachers identify the strategies that each pupil needs to access the curriculum to achieve and make progress. This is individual to each pupil. Strategies include: Intensive Interaction, structured visual support, PECS, Makaton, multi-sensory delivery, repetition etc. Teachers use a range of strategies to support pupils to learn and retain information.
The topic based approach provides stimulating learning experiences and links concepts in a meaningful way. The curriculum is differentiated at three levels: pre-formal (P1 – P3 + EYFS), semi-formal (P4 – P8) and Formal (National Curriculum subject based). This meets the needs of our different cohorts of pupils ensuring that they access the learning experiences that are relevant and appropriate to them.
The aspiration for all pupils who attend Rocklands School is they achieve their potential in all aspects of their development. All pupils who attend Rocklands School have different special educational needs. Many pupils have complex needs including autism, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, complex medical needs etc.
The outcome of the curriculum is highly individual., and all achievement and progress is celebrated.
Progress for our pupils can be demonstrated by:
Our curriculum enables the pupils to make progress in all areas of their learning so that they are prepared for a life beyond school. Our aim is that pupils leave Rocklands with the communication, confidence, self-help and life skills that support their overall independence and ultimately enable our pupils to continue their learning journeys into secondary education and adult life.
The following Information is available on request in our curriculum handbook:
Curriculum Rationale
Curriculum Map
Leadership and Co-ordination
Monitoring and assessment
Pupil voice
What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
If you have any further questions about Rocklands Curriculum, please contact